Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dream Car

Today, normal day basically. college and usuall stuff. the unsuall? ferari f430! man i saw that car and i was like wow! seen many of them before but today maybe cuz it was a dull day.. so yea i think i woke up after seeing that car!! man its an awesome car!superb torque!elegant look! everything bout that car is admirable.

Is that my dream car? Well its a dream car of sorts though.I mean realistically no one would choose to refuse an f430. Its probably any man's dream to ride in something like that! But yea i do have 1 personal favourite dream car so to speak. Thats the lamborgini murcielago!This 1 just has to be the car probably any living human wish they owned! brilliant.

Full view of the car. Awesome beauty!! Menancing speed!!

Its interior!Beautiful!Just amazing basically!
Its a dream car today , hopefully it'll be the one i ride in someday!!=)

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